Why Online Applications are Important for Educational Institutes

Why Online Applications are Important for Educational Institutes

Are you harnessing all the benefits of online application for education in your institute? It’s time to understand the impact of technology in the admission process, especially during the current times.

Students are central to every education institute – whether it’s a school, college, coaching center, or a university. That’s why the admission process is often considered one of the most important and essential times in the year for all educational businesses. This time often determines how the institute will perform in the coming year and thus, most educational companies put in a lot of effort and resources for a smooth and satisfactory admission process. Not to mention, they strive hard to make it error-free, too.

Challenges in the Traditional Application Process

Today, the number of students applying to many institutes has increased drastically. Plus, the process is more complex than ever with students from different locations, applying for various subjects, applying with scholarships, etc. It has become tough for institutes to handle this large volume of data using the conventional admission processes. Therefore, many big and small institutes are now opting for an online application management system.

GO Digital with GladOwl

At GladOwl, we have been one of the frontrunners when it comes to creating a simplified online application process for students and institutions. We handle all aspects of the admission – right from lead generation to converting prospects into students. Our team of experts have successfully brought in thousands of applications for universities in 2020 itself, irrespective of the unprecedented times.

Why Should You Consider Online Applications?

If you’re a school, college or university that hasn’t tried online applications yet, it’s the best time to start. With learning and teaching going online, why shouldn’t marketing take the same route?

Here are the top benefits of starting admission processes online:

Higher Applicants’ Convenience – They can apply to multiple colleges at the click of a button, from the comfort of their home. With almost everyone having access to a smart device and internet now in most cities and towns, it is possible to reach even your most remote student with the internet.

Higher Institute Convenience– As an institute, you can save on the manpower required to manually process all the applications. Plus, you get instant records of all students and their databases which can be stored securely. For the admission process, you get an efficient system to filter your candidates and it can result in major time and money savings.

Higher Efficiency – Using an online application system for education can eliminate human errors and improve efficiency in the process. You can be more efficient with the admissions and ensure students get all information from time to time with the right use of technology.

Higher Reach – Above all, you have an opportunity to reach all prospective students in the world, not just your city, state, or country. Anyone can apply to your institute, hassle-free with an online system!

If this is your first time going online, don’t worry. GladOwl is happy to help. We can guide you throughout the online admission process and make it simpler and faster with our technical expertise. Plus, we can get you much more admissions than your conventional methods.

Ready to double your applications within a few years? Start online promotions and applications today!

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Get More Admission Inquiry for Colleges during COVID-19

Get More Admission Inquiry for Colleges during COVID-19

Get More Admission Inquiry for Colleges

The pandemic has brought in a lot of uncertainty for all industries – including education and academics. In such times, colleges are worried about the admission inquiry for their university. Students are unable to come for a campus visit or even for group discussions and personal interviews. At the same time, many students are feeling the unrest about their future education and careers as the economy is bound to experience a slowdown. However, if you’re a college looking to boost your admissions, there is a positive side to this pandemic. Although we’re all working from home and trying our best to stay safe, many students are utilising this time to invest in their future. This includes researching about the various universities, talking to online counsellors, taking virtual tours of colleges and even applying for their dream courses. How Can You Boost Admission Inquiry? As a college, there’s a lot you can do to promote admission inquiries on your online portal. Website – For starters, make sure your website is up to date. If you have any sections that need to be changed or updated as per the latest norms, this is the best time to do so. This downtime can be an asset to work on tasks that you’ve been putting aside for a while. Once your website is up and running, you know that students can find all the information they need online. Social Media – Another thing you can do is to promote your social media channels. Millennials are spending a lot of time on social media currently and if you have a strong presence on digital platforms, your college visibility will be on the rise. Ad Campaigns – If you are ready to take in admission inquiries and have all the other systems in place, the next step is to create an online ad campaign. This will help you target the students looking for the particular courses you offer. For instance, if you have a good MBA course, you can conduct a Google Ad Campaign for MBA in Pune and have a landing page with the admission form ready. Before you start the campaign, make sure the following things are in order:
  1. Landing Page with Relevant Details
  2. Payment Gateway for Form Fees
  3. Thank-you Emailer to send the Students
  4. A short note on how you’re going to conduct the GDPI in the coming months
Technology – Use the best tools and technologies to make your interactions with students as simple and powerful as possible. You can host webinars, video chats, and conferences to assure students that their admission process will be smooth throughout. It’s also a good idea to host a question and answer live session online on any social media platform for aspiring students. Remember, students are also keen to start their college life and want to make the most of their careers in the future. The lockdown has surely made everyone realise the power of knowledge and education to make our world a better place to live in. If you want more admission inquiry for your college or university, don’t hesitate to leverage digital tools during the lockdown. GladOwl is a leading digital marketing agency in Pune that works with various universities and colleges around the country. The company has successfully brought in thousands of admission forms and inquiries for many institutes over the years. As an innovative and creative agency, your college can benefit from the ideas and look forward to a full-batch of students in 2020.
“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.”
  • Nelson Mandela