Stopping your SEO Efforts can be the Worst Mistake of 2020 for your Business

Stopping your SEO Efforts can be the Worst Mistake of 2020 for your Business

Business Ideas

Currently, all businesses over the world are re-evaluating their budgets and trying to minimize their marketing spends. The pandemic has disrupted almost every industry and its operations and compelled business owners to rethink their strategies and future plans. But no matter what you do, don’t stop your SEO efforts!

While Covid-19 poses severe threats to our health and our economy, it also brings along a few new opportunities. Although reducing costs is imperative for every business during these trying times, your SEO marketing isn’t the area that should take the blunt.

There are many reasons why it’s a big mistake to stop your SEO efforts in 2020, but we’ll share the top 3 with you!

1. You’re Missing Out on New Business

All businesses are bound to take a hit. We wouldn’t suggest otherwise. However, in such times, it’s essential to drive new business to compensate for the losses incurred. As you’re trying to make your business visible to customers, a drop in rankings can also mean a drop in new customers. So basically, you’re limiting a significant revenue stream just when you need it the most! People haven’t stopped searching for products and services. In fact, research suggests that Indians are spending 2 hours every day more online during the pandemic and online shoppers have increased, too!

2. You’re Not Leveraging the Opportunity for Social Distancing

 If you run a physical store, the health of your employees and customers can be at risk during these times. Instead, if you start offering online sales and home delivery, you can ensure social distancing measures and minimize the risk for everyone involved. There’s a big shift towards online spending and if you’re losing out on physical footfall, you need to continue your SEO efforts to get online sales.

Remember, people still need things to work and live even in the pandemic so sales haven’t stopped for companies who are available online. People are also buying things they wouldn’t have if the pandemic wasn’t here. For instance, the sales of notebooks, gaming consoles, and TVs went up drastically during this time. If they are getting sales, so can you!

3. You’re Not Preparing to Return to Normalcy

 It’s important to look at the big picture and remember that things will turn back to normal in some time – maybe a few months, maybe a few years. So, as a business, you need to think long term. Continuing your SEO efforts is like working out at a highly competitive gym.

The minute you stop, you’ll start gaining weight and will lose your fitness edge while the others who continue will easily overtake you. The same goes for your business and competitors. Imagine if the world gets back to normal in 2021 and you haven’t focused on SEO at all during this year. You may end up spending a lot more time and money to play catch-up and will also lose out to many customers (even your most loyal ones).

During these tough times, it’s important to connect with your customers, showcase your products and services online, and be available to those who are looking for you. Focus on building relationships because, without customers, you can’t have a business. Use your SEO efforts to bring out campaigns that will value your customers and your business and pay dividends in the long term.

If you need any assistance with your SEO strategy or want to start SEO and digital marketing, GladOwl is glad to help you! We have helped many clients stay afloat during this crisis and bring in new business on a regular basis.

Contact us today!






How Digital Marketing Can Boost Your Business Post Lockdown

How Digital Marketing Can Boost Your Business Post Lockdown

Digital Marketing Can Boost Your Business. You can reach out to more customers and sell your products online to revive your business.

The Covid-19 crisis has affected the entire world and almost every business across the globe. As the flow of people, goods, and services have been restricted over the last few months, it has caused major harm to finances and the global economy. There’s also a lot of uncertainty regarding the future of the global workforce and all businesses. While every business is thinking of cutting costs, this is the time when you need to invest in your digital marketing and make sure you don’t stop your advertising efforts. Want to know why? Read on.

Reach a Larger Audience

Even if your store is shut or your business is affected, digital marketing can help you reach more potential customers. Broaden your reach using the following:

  • Analytical tools to target your prospects at the right place and the right time
  • Social media presence to promote interesting and informative content 
  • Content marketing to share key benefits of your products or services
  • Image and video marketing to promote your best features in the best possible way 

Don’t Forget Your Existing Customers 

All marketers agree that it’s easier to convince a previous customer to buy your product than convert a new prospect into a new customer. Now is the perfect time to reinstate your brand’s promises in your customers’ minds through smart and sustainable communication. Digital retargeting can do wonders for your business and help you increase sales through your existing customer base. 

Leverage the Growth in Use of Digital Platforms 

As per the latest research, the average Indian spends almost 4-5 hours scrolling. In fact, during the lockdown, most adults in India spent 2 hours extra online than before March. When all your customers and prospects are spending so much time online, it’s only wise that you are present there, too. 

Reinforce your Brand Across Maximum Platforms 

Ever since we’re little, it’s always told that repetition and revision is the key to remembering something. The same goes for digital marketing. If you only promote your brand or product once, it won’t have much of an effect. On the contrary, reinforcing it across all platforms will ensure that your customers remember your brand and your values for a long time. This translates into better sales and better brand equity for you.

Survival of the Fittest in the Digital Space

Although digital marketing is essential and your business almost won’t survive without it, it’s also a highly competitive space. There’re loads of content, videos, posts, blogs, and websites online, making it difficult for your brand to cut through the clutter and get noticed by your prospect or customer. That’s why you need a solid strategy in place to make your digital marketing efforts matter. This includes everything right from designing a responsive website, promoting it through SEO and PPC, hosting webinars, using social media, leveraging content and video marketing, lead generation, and so on.

Wondering how to ensure digital marketing helps in boosting your business during the lockdown? The key is to find the right digital marketing agency to support your objectives and sales goals. At GladOwl, we have helped many businesses boost their sales during the pandemic and also get unbelievable results from their online marketing efforts. 

Ready to experience our magic in the digital space? Contact us today!